
Redeem India Resources Program

Redeem India (RI) is committed to proclaim Christ in Word and Deed.

In addition its vision of providing shelter, food, medicine for the rescued children and women of various abuses and victimization, RI also gives them eternal hope in Christ.


Help Us Educate 5,000 Children

We preach what Christ preached and we practice what we preach. We believe in the inner as well as the outer transformation of mankind. But we DO NOT CONVERT people from one religion to another as some assume or interpret. We teach what Jesus taught and make disciples for him if one accept Christ with a full conviction. Since we believe that Jesus heals, we offers prayers of healing in Jesus name to those who need them.


Redeem India has no concept of untouchability. We cross the boundaries and embrace everyone irrespective of caste, color, culture, education, religion, illness, abuses and any human inabilities in the love of Jesus Christ. RI conducts medical camps in remote villages and provides medicine supplies and to the malnourished, sick children, men and women. Like any other, we help the poorer and needy children in various ways to building the nation's future. Currently Redeem India is giving scholarships to 15 school-going children and supporting 14 widows.