
Manohar and Jasmine James are the visionaries of this mission. Dr. Manohar James hails from the state of Andhra Pradesh, South India. As a cross-cultural minister, he travelled throughout India and saw the nation through the eyes of Jesus in his 15 years of missional and andraagogical services. Prior to responding to the vision of Redeem India, he worked with Gospel for Asia as a missionary, staff, Bible teacher in Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, and Andhra Pradesh. He also served as a professor and the Principal of Mission India Theological Seminary, Nagpur, India, for eight years preparing leaders for Church planting, missions and philanthropic services. He married Jasmine Sharon from Tamil Nadu, who is a co-laborer of his vision. After 11 years of marriage, God blessed them with a son they named Jason Abhishek James. He is two years three months now.

Dr. James obtained B. A. and M. Div. from India and completed a regular academic PhD from USA. Through suffering, sickness and persecution, the Lord tested and used James in India in various ways to humble, mold and prepare for the greater task of ?Redeem India Ministries.? This vision was confirmed and planted firm in his heart in 2009 when his mother from India called him by phone in the US and requested him to strengthen the rural church and support the poorer sections of the society in Christ?s love. However, the vision was not clear until when Manohar and and his wife Jasmine went to India in 2011 for an intentional three-month summer ministry to explore the plight of rural churches in India by organizing various pastors seminars. In this seminar many pastors approached and requested James to launch a holistic mission that would strengthen the local indigenous rural church in Word and deed.

Dr. James' vision is to intentionally advance Christian leadership in rural churches through regular field training for pastors and uplift the marginalized of all social classes through educational and moral programs to bring a holistic transformation in India.

James invites people who are willing to embody Christ?s love in Word and deed to join him deliver his people from spiritual darkness, ignorance, and poverty through prayer, suggestions and financial support. You may personally contact him at manoharjames@redeemindia.org.